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◎大衛.卡特(David A. Carter) 2006年立體書「梅根多佛獎」得主




In 1980 I answered an advertisement in the Los Angeles times calling for a production artist at a company called Intervisual Communications Inc.. I had never in my life seen a pop-up book and when I interviewed for the job, I was introduced to Jan Pienkowski’s pop-up book Robot. I was fascinated, the book was magical. With all of the movement, color and dimension, I knew at that moment that this was an art form that I must pursue.  Over the past 30 years, I have had the pleasure of creating over 100 pop-up titles and the distinct pleasure of meeting and working with many of today’s preeminent pop-up artists, collectors and scholars.

I first met Michael Yang in 2012 when he invited me to participate in his pop-up book exhibit “The Stunning Pop-Up Book Exhibit” which was held at the National Museum of History in Taipei, Taiwan. The first thing I noticed about Michael was his enthusiasm for pop-ups, but the more I got to know him, what impressed me most was his vast knowledge of the genre.  I have seen many collections of pop-up books and I must say that Michael’s is one of the most impressive in the world.

In this book Michael shares this extensive knowledge of the pop-up book along with selections from his in-depth collection.  The pop-up and movable book has a rich and interesting history, which this book will reveal.