曲目:Rainy Night In Georgia ( 喬治亞的雨夜)/布魯克•班頓  音樂由 【金革唱片】提供。  

【村上 30 音樂台】--耹聽曲目:
Rainy Night In Georgia (喬治亞的雨夜)/《聽風的歌》



饒富特色的細膩嗓音向來是布魯克.班頓的金字招牌,擅長歌路廣泛的他在流行歌曲、爵士、藍調、靈魂樂的來去自如更是無能人能敵,其中又以 R&B 的創作更為經典,包括"It's just a matter of time"、"Endlessly"、"The bollweevil song"、"Hotel happinesess"每每在排行榜上創下佳績,另外創作出道的他更有替納京高、克萊德·麥克菲特…等教父級歌手作曲的金身加持,使他在 60、70 年代中成為非常活躍的歌手及作曲者。

在《聽風的歌》當中,村上藉以電台主持人之口介紹這首拿下 Billboard 排行榜第 1 名的 "Rainy Night In Georgia""…「真是非常棒的曲子哦,讓您忘記炎熱,布魯克.班頓的「喬治亞的雨夜」」。主持人這麼說著,當感到煩躁或無所適從時,這首歌彷彿就像知心老友般的緩緩唱出心中說不出的寂寞,想到有人能這麼了解自己,也不由得釋懷而平靜下來,說不定這種解脫感,就跟大口喝啤酒般是個解壓妙方喔!

Hovering by my suitcase,
Tying to find a warm place to spend the night

Heavy rains falling, seems I hear your voice calling it's all right
A rainy night in Georgia, a rainy night in Georgia
I believe it's raining all over the world
I feel like it's raining all over the world

Neon signs flashing, taxi cabs and buses passing through the night
A distant moaning of a train seems to play a sad refrain to the night
But it's a rainy night in Georgia, such a rainy night in Georgia
I believe it's raining all over the world
I feel like it's raining all over the world

How many times I wondered
It still comes out the same
No matter how you look at it or think of it
It's life and you just got to play the game

I find me a place in a box car so I take out my guitar to pass some time
Late at night when it's hard to rest
I hold your picture to my chest
And I feel fine.
But it's a rainy night in Georgia
Baby, it's a rainy night in Georgia
I believe it's raining all over the world.
Kind of lonely darling, it's a raining all over the world.
Rainy, Rainy, Rainy…
Rainy, Rainy, Rainy…


30 年前,村上春樹的第一本小說,村上春樹的第一部成名作。

村上是什麼時候開始想寫小說的? 1978年4月1日的下午。村上在神宮球場看日職養樂多對廣島的比賽,晴朗的天空,鮮嫩的草坪,外加球棒的輕脆聲,就這個瞬間念頭--「對了,來寫小說看看」,於是,《聽風的歌》不久後誕生。

村上說,《聽風的歌》這本小說有第一聲「砰」的氣勢。所以如果那忽然「噗通」一聲沉下去的話,接下來的「砰」就無論如何踏不出去了。我們很慶幸村上的處女作是「砰」的氣勢,而且就這樣過了 30 年&……。


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