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台北多謝 Taipei,to-siā(VU00129)──陪你旅行當道地的台霸郎 How to travel like a local(中英雙語)

類別: 飲食生活>優生活
定價:650 元
售價:514 元(約79折)

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混蛋老闆果汁店 Hun Dan Lao Ban Juice Bar





“Could I get a mixed-egg juice, without sugar and less ice?”
The man got off from his motorbike and walked over to the shopkeeper. Soon after he paid for his order, the sound of the blender stopped. His customised "mixed-egg" smoothie was ready. After a big slurp, he left with a satisfied look on his face.
The doors of "Hun Dan Lao Ban (Mixed-egg Boss) Juice Bar" have been open for business for nearly 40 years. It didn’t get its name because the owner is a bastard (mixed-egg in Mandarin sounds the same as ‘bastard’), instead, it's aptly named for what it sells - smoothies with raw eggs. Not only can you crack an egg into to your freshly made smoothie, but the drink can be made to order to suit your preferred sweetness and amount of ice.
There's a contrast between the glass cabinet displaying colourful and vibrant rows of fruit, and the rustic backdrop of the tiny store. Your drink can be personalised to include whatever you want, so long as the shopkeeper can make it. In the summer, the smoothies are especially popular with locals who see them as a healthy and nutritious way of staving off the summer heat.
We always like to sit on the bench in front of the stall, taking our time to enjoy the drinks. Slow summer days make for lovely memories.

以馬內利鮮魚湯 Emmanuel Fish Soup




Located at Lane 11, Section 1, Hangzhou South Road, near Shandao Temple MRT Station, the Emmanuel Fish Soup has been passed down through three generations of hardworking Taiwanese owners. As testament to their skills, their menu has remained exactly the same for more than 40 years and the locals are no stranger to the treasures that the shop outputs - a signature set meal consisting of a hearty bowl of fish soup and stir-fried vermicelli or noodles, or both.

The fish soup is comprised of a clear broth made with fresh tilapia and infused with a hint of Taiwanese basil which adds a noticeable and well-paired fragrance. The roughly chopped chunks of tilapia inside mean that you might be surprised with some fish bones - just pile these on the table as the locals do and the staff will clean them up. The stir-fried noodles have a beautiful springy texture and the slightly thicker than normal vermicelli is sourced from a local mill which has enjoyed a long history with the store. If you’re in the mood for an extra kick, spice up your noodles with a splash of vinegar and chilli oil.

When you visit the store, you might find many single eaters sitting side-by-side along the narrow rows of tables, chowing down on their food. After only 10 minutes, you’ll see customers leaving, with a satisfied smile on their faces, an empty bowl and a pile of fish bones left on the table.