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A Brief History of The "Female Diocesan School", Hong Kong, 1860-1869 And Beyond

類別: 社會‧文化‧傳記>社會議題
定價:580 元
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往復於1860與1869 在物質生活充裕的今時今日,香港的中學一般都會為逢十校慶安排活動,成立於1869年的老牌名校拔萃男書院也不例外。從1969年的百週年校慶至今,幾乎每十年都有大型慶祝活動。而在此以前,由於社會動盪、戰爭頻仍,乃至校方自身的安排,逢十校慶往往沒有活動。以二十世紀上半葉為例:1919年時值一戰結束、學校更換校長,未有慶祝;1939年因抗戰爆發,香港風雨飄搖,未有慶祝;1949年因二戰結束、大陸易幟,也未大肆慶祝,只是在校刊中提及而已。比較值得注意的一次,乃是1929年的金禧校慶。當時男拔萃剛從逼仄的港島般咸道校舍遷往廣闊的旺角新校,不僅舉行了一連串慶祝活動,還首度編纂了校史。至於戰後,唯一未有活動的一次逢十校慶在1959年。現存校方資料、舊生記憶中,沒有任何關於九十週年校慶的資訊。次年,拔萃女書院卻高調舉辦了百年校慶活動,與男拔萃的靜默形成極大反差。

當時,男拔萃的校長是來自本地混血社群的施玉麒牧師(Rev. George Zimmern, 1904—1979, 1955—1961在任)。他於1914年至1921年間就讀男拔萃,1955年秋成為首位接任校長的舊生,又長期供職於聖公會,對於校史非常熟悉。正因如此,他在九十週年校慶沒有任何舉措,就更啟人疑竇了。有趣的是當年10月31日,拔萃男書院第五次舉行年度懇親賣物會(School Fete)。開幕式上,怡和洋行大班巴頓先生暨夫人(Mr. & Mrs. H.D. M. Barton)受邀為主禮嘉賓。施牧致詞道: This School was founded in 1860─ for the girls and not for boys. But as girls’ school it was a failure, because there were not enough girls to make it pay. The School Committee led by the Bishop decided to close up but on the Committee was the Hon. William Keswick, head of Jardine’s, and he took the lead in guaranteeing the funds to carry on. Mr. Keswick remained to be Hon. Treasurer of the School for nearly 20 years─from 1869-1886─except for those periods when he was on leave in England. From 1869 when Mr. Keswick saved the School from extinction, until now, the School has grown from strength to strength under the direction of a committee on which sits a member of Jardine’s.這所學校始建於1860年─錄取的是女生而非男生。但它作為女校是失敗的,因為錄取不到足夠的女生來支持營運費用。由會督領導的校董會決定結業,但當時怡和大班耆紫薇是校董之一,他率先保證了資金的永續。


對於早期校史的敘述,施牧所言大致不虛。如1869年時,柯爾福會督(Bishop Charles Richard Alford, 1816 — 1898,1867 —1874在位)便對1860—1868年間存在過的那所號稱「女仔館」(Female Diocesan School)的女校評價甚低:The FEMALE DIOCESAN SCHOOL has, I regret to say, proved an almost total failure in reference to the Chinese Girls. When, with the advice of the leading Gentlemen in the Colony and those most interested in its welfare, I took the School last February under my exclusive superintendence, I found it seriously in debt and in much disfavor. I regarded its resuscitation as an Anglo-Chinese School for Native Girls as neither possible nor desirable. 我很遺憾地說,女仔館對華籍女童而言幾乎是徹頭徹尾的失敗。基於當地官紳及關心本地發展之人的建議,我於去年二月全權接管該校。當時我便認識到學校深陷債務,且校政不見起色。在我看來,該校若繼續作為一所面向本地女童的中英雙語學校,是既不可能又不被看好的。

四年後,港府視學官史釗域(Frederick Stewart, 1836—1889)對女仔館的情況仍記憶猶新: The educating of Chinese girls in English has been one of the most disastrous experiments which the Colony has ever witnessed.

向華籍女孩教授英文是殖民地有史以來最災難性的實驗之一。 使用「災難性」一語,比「失敗」更為嚴重。回觀柯督所言「當地官紳及關心本地發展之人」,應包括怡和洋行大班耆紫薇(William W. Keswick, 又譯祁士域, 1834 —1912)在內。1949年7月號的校刊Steps 中,編者的話以“Our Eightieth Birthday” 為標題,有這樣的文字: Our origins were humble, and, for a Boys’ School, somewhat peculiar. Mrs. Smith, the wife of the first Bishop of Hong Kong, started in 1860 a ‘Diocesan Native Female Training School’, which by 1868 was a failure because there was not sufficient demand for western education for Chinese girls. So in that year the second Bishop, Alford, took the School ‘under his immediate superintendence’, and with the help of leading citizens of the Colony, from the Governor downwards, issued an Appeal which was so successful that the Diocesan Home and Orphanage, under a new constitution, was begun in September 1869, with twenty-three boys and girls. 我們的起源很不起眼,對於一所男校來說,甚至有點奇怪。香港首任會督之妻施美夫夫人於1860年創辦了「女仔館」。1868年,該校到遭遇失敗,原因是中國女孩對西式教育的需求不足。因此在同一年,第二任會督柯爾福將該校置於他的「直接管理」之下,並在殖民地總督以下的公民領袖協助下發出了呼籲。該呼籲非常成功,以致曰字樓孤子院依據新法案於1869年9月開張,當時男女生共有23名。
