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測驗題 1
測驗題 2
測驗題 3

作 者 作 品



愈忙愈要學社交英文【與時俱進版】(MP3 線上下載)
論證型英文寫作速成教戰 Writing Argumentative Essays in English


類別: 語言‧升學‧學習>英語學習
定價:99 元
售價:78 元(約79折)


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線 上 試 閱


滿頭包的波特測驗題 1麻瓜測驗題 2九又四分之三月台測驗題 3自序

  測驗題 3


1. Journey
(A)a place of refuge and protection
(B)a careful plan or method
(C)an act or instance of traveling from one place to another
(D)a characteristic, trait, or feature resulting from some influence
(E)the fundamental part of something

2. Tour
(A)a basic conceptional structure (as of ideas)
(B)at the starting point weapons (as bows, slings, and catapults) for discharging missiles
(C)a journey for business, pleasure, or education often involving a series of stops and ending
(D)a snarl in that part of a fishing line wound on the reel
(E)a preliminary survey to gain information; especially : an exploratory military survey of enemy territory

3. Excursion
(A)an act of putting forward or stating something for consideration
(B)a usually brief pleasure trip
(C)not having a precise meaning
(D)offering or expressing a choice
(E)a considerable body of troops organized to act together

4. Pilgrimage
(A)the act or process of advocating or supporting a cause or proposal
(B)the quality or state of being complex
(C)harmonious relation of parts to each other or to the whole
(D)a journey to a shrine or a sacred place
(E)of or relating to a compact or treaty

5. Expedition
(A)of, relating to, or involving members of two parties
(B)to make like new : restore to freshness, vigor, or perfection
(C)yielding to influence
(D)a journey or excursion undertaken for a specific purpose
(E)to administer or assign (as a territory) under a mandate

6. Exodus
(A)existing or situated within the limits or surface of something
(B)a mass departure
(C)the quality or state of being anonymous
(D)an act of putting forward or stating something for consideration
(E)something complex

7. Emigration
(A)to leave one’s place of residence or country to live elsewhere
(B)an original model on which something is patterned
(C)harmonious relation of parts to each other or to the whole
(D)to make (as suffering) more bearable
(E)having administrative or managerial responsibility

8. Voyage
(A)ordered or enforced by a court
(B)having the power or performing the function of legislating
(C)the act or process of advocating or supporting a cause or proposal
(D)being a first step that sets something going or in proper perspective
(E)an account of a journey especially by sea

9. Trip
(A)a trip generally implies a return to the starting place
(B)loyal to the federal government
(C)being a sufficient condition
(D)an itemized list of current assets
(E)the range of a logical operator

10. Travel
(A)logical incongruity
(B)clear or manifest to the understanding
(C)arranged in or according to the order of time
(D)act of identifying a disease from its signs and symptoms
(E)to go on or as if on a trip or tour

11. Visit
(A)to go to see or stay at (a place) for a particular purpose (as business or sightseeing)
(B)to become dry, shrunken, and wrinkled often as a result of aging or of failing vitality
(C)in reality
(D)a connected series of operations designed to bring about a particular result
(E)something that serves to warn or remind

12. Visitor
(A)a militant leader, follower, or worker
(B)one whose occupation is to instruct
(C)a common usually harmless freshwater crocodile
(D)a person who seeks wisdom or enlightenment
(E)one that makes formal visits of inspection

13. Traveler
(A)a person lacking in judgment or prudence
(B)a man of noble or gentle birth
(C)the principal male character in a literary or dramatic work
(D)one that goes on a trip or journey
(E)a person of extraordinary or superhuman power or achievements

14. Tourist
(A)a person who has previously occupied a position or office to which another has succeeded
(B)one that makes a tour for pleasure or culture
(C)a person who pays a fixed sum for some privilege or source of income
(D)one that plays a game for money or property
(E)one that fishes

15. Passenger
(A)a person or corporation whose business is publishing
(B)a man heading the staff of a private school
(C)the officers chiefly responsible for the internal operations of an institution or business
(D)one that offers indiscriminately for sexual intercourse especially for money
(E)a traveler in a public or private conveyance


1.(C) 2.(C) 3.(B) 4.(D) 5. (D) 6. (B) 7. (A) 8.(E) 9.(A) 10.(E) 11.(A) 12.(E) 13.(D) 14.(B) 15.(E)