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無限上鋼, 無可限量的城市地景


恆隆行 :美好生活的代理 Be Your Daily
綠色思維 自然美學:一筆懸命,台灣藝想設計師&畫家柯鴻圖的美學之路


類別: 藝術‧攝影‧影視>藝術美學
定價:380 元
售價:300 元(約79折)

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高雄國際鋼雕藝術節:鋼鐵城市的藝術使命無限上鋼, 無可限量的城市地景



於是,我們自2002 年起,便開始辦理高雄國際鋼雕藝術節,企圖以藝術重現鋼鐵的不同樣貌,同時藉以帶出勞動階層的拚搏與堅毅。在高雄國際鋼雕藝術節這樣的國際性藝術活動中,可以看見不同地域國界不同文化背景的藝術家,努力地想融入高雄的環境與歷史,企圖運用廢鋼材創造一件與在地緊密連結的作品。這段過程十分精采與動人,因為大型鋼雕創作單靠藝術家本人無法達成,這也映照出勞動專業技術協同藝術創作以發揮最大能量。

從2002 年到2014 年,經歷了七屆的高雄國際鋼雕藝術節,回顧過往也可以窺見出高雄城市的變化,其中尤其以各種型態的文化活動與設計建築活絡了高雄港區,此次鋼雕創作營特地選於駁二藝術特區淺三碼頭舉辦,船舶港口成為最美的背景,更加深了場域所賦予的意涵。而在面臨城市新舊產業的時代轉換過程中,鋼鐵雕塑的現地創作也成為一種以藝術詮釋與保留文化特色的無限可能與必要途徑。

高雄市市長 陳菊

The Kaohsiung International Steel and Iron Sculpture Festival: The Art Mission of the City of Steel and Iron

Kaohsiung does not produce iron ore, but is known as a city of steel and iron in Taiwan. The first ironworks opened in the Yencheng area of Takao during the Japanese Occupation. It became a main manufacturer of sugar and railroad transportation equipment, and further the driving force behind heavy industry in Taiwan. Steel and iron industry on which Kaohsiung's economy is founded has been a symbol of the city.

This gave us the initiative to organize the Kaohsiung International Steel and Iron Sculpture Festival (KISISF) in 2002. Our goal has been to artistically reinterpret steel and iron, while highlighting the diligence and perseverance of industrial laborers. In this international activity, artists from diverse geographical and cultural backgrounds strive to adapt themselves to the local environment and history by turning steel scraps into sculptures closely related to Kaohsiung. It is particularly awesome and moving, since large-scale steel works demand collective effort. It also illustrates how compelling the union of labor, techniques and art can be.

A review of the 7 KISISFs from 2002 to 2014 also gives us a glimpse of the evolution of Kaohsiung. Above all, the port has been invigorated by a variety of cultural activities and architectural projects. The 2014 KISISF had chosen to take place in Quay 3, the Piet-2 Art Center, to deepen the sense of location with the beauty of the port. In the city's shift from the old to the new, the on-site steel and iron sculptures have embodied the limitless possibilities to artistically reinterpret and preserve the culture of Kaohsiung.

Chen Chu
Mayor of Kaohsiung