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星雲說喻 中英對照版 2 Bodhi Light Tales:Volume 2(附QR Code線上音檔)
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星雲說喻 中英對照版(1) Bodhi Light Tales:Volume 1(附QR Code線上音檔)(YA10220)

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五指爭大 A Respectful Heart Is the Buddha’s Heart

隨後,中指不可一世地說:「在五根手指當中, 我居中、我最長,你們都應該聽命於我才對!」


四根手指各自炫耀了自己的偉大及重要性之後, 唯獨小指頭默然不語。大家就問:「咦!小拇指,你怎麼不說話呢?」
小拇指說:「我最小、最後,怎麼能跟你們相比呢?」正當大家讚歎小拇指的謙虛的時候,小拇指接著又說:「不過,當我們合掌禮敬師長、佛祖、聖賢的時候, 可是我最靠近他們喔。」

社會上爭做老大的人,屢見不鮮。但是真正的老大,並不是用身分的高低、排名的先後去衡量的, 誰能對人慈悲、友愛、服務、謙虛、恭敬,誰就是最大。


One day, the five fingers of a hand were having a chat, and one of them asked, “Of the five of us, who is the leader?”
The Thumb was the first to answer, “Of course I am the leader, because when people give a signal1 of approval2 to what is good or best, they would put me up and hide the rest of you in a fist. That is also why a “thumbs up” is given to what people approve of. So of course, I am the leader!” said the Thumb proudly.
The Index Finger was not convinced3, “If someone wants to get people’s attention, they don’t stick out their thumb, do they? No, they raise me. And, when it comes to tasting food - which finger do they use to dab4 the bowl or the dish for a delicious taste? Me! Without me, you would never know what good food is. Without me, you could end up with bad food. That is why I’m the leader. I am vital5 to your survival.”
The Middle Finger laughed and said, “Look I am in the middle, I am the tallest and so the biggest. By virtue6 of my size alone, you should listen to me, and this means I should be the leader.”
The Ring Finger smiled gently, “You all make good points. But you forget that when people get married, they slip7 the wedding ring on me. So I am clearly the most important. I am the one who gets all the diamond rings and jewelry. This means I am the most valuable among you all, and that is why I am the leader. How can you others compare8?” concluded the Ring Finger.
The Thumb and the three fingers continued to argue9, each thinking they were the greatest, and therefore the rightful leader.
After a while, they turned to the Little Finger, who had not said a word throughout the conversation, “You’ve been awfully10 quiet. Who do you think is the greatest among us and therefore the leader of the hand? Who do you think should be the boss?”
The Little Finger looked at them all in turn and said quietly, “Well, I am the smallest finger, few people put rings on me, or hold me in the air or use me to taste food, and no one uses me in a gesture11 of approval. Also, I am the last finger. So, I would not dare12 to compare myself with any of you.”
        Just as the other fingers gloated13 in satisfaction over the Little Finger’s reply, it continued, “However, when people join their palms and bow14 to the Buddha and the Sages, I am the closest.” Then, the other fingers and the thumb nodded15 quietly and wasted no more time on this question.
In life, we often see people competing to be the leader. Some will point to their status16, wealth, or beauty as to why they should be the leader.
However, status, power, or position are not the real qualities of leadership or even necessarily the signs of the best leader.
What makes a person stand out as a leader is how they treat and deal with others. Do they act with patience17 and compassion? Do they respect and consider others?
If your heart is big enough to embrace18 all members of your family, you are capable19 of being the head of the family.
If your heart is big enough to accept a city and all its people, then you have the ability to be its mayor.
If your heart is big enough to carry all the people of your country, and you act with consideration20 and compassion for all the citizens, then you are capable of becoming the president or the leader.
If your heart can accept and encompass21 the Earth or even the entire Three Thousand Realms22, then your heart will be in perfect harmony with the Buddha’s heart.
Just remember, every noble23 and respected person started from humble24 beginnings.
A respectful25 heart is the Buddha’s Heart.

1.signal (n.) 信號;暗號
2.approval (n.) 批准;認可
3.convinced (adj.) 確信的;信服的
4.dab (v.) 輕觸;輕擦
5.vital (adj.) 必不可少的;極其重要的
6.virtue (n.) 美德
7.slip (v.) 迅速地做;悄悄地做
8.compare (v.) 對比;比較
9.argue (v.) 爭論;爭吵
10.awfully (adv.) 非常;極其
11.gesture (n.) 手勢
12.dare (v.) 敢於;膽敢
13.gloated (v.) 獨自暗笑
14.bow (v.) 鞠躬
15.nodded (v.) 點頭;(尤指)點頭贊同
16.status (n.) 地位
17.patience (n.) 忍耐
18.embrace (v.) 擁抱
19.capable (adj.) 有能力的
20.consideration (n.) 體貼;關心
21.encompass (v.) 包含
22.Three Thousand Realms (n.) 三千世界
23.noble (adj.) 高尚的;偉大的;崇高的
24.humble (adj.) 謙遜的
25.respectful (adj.) 表示尊敬的;尊重的

Dharma Words by Venerable Master Hsing Yun
Having roots in your heart, you can blossom and bear fruit;
Having a vow in your heart, you can advance business affairs;
Having reason in your heart, you can travel all over the world;
Having clarity of view in your mind, you can stand true;
Having virtue in your heart, you can tolerate all things;
Having the Way in your heart, you can embrace everything.

鴨子一條腿  One-Legged Duck
王先生是一家公司的董事長,生意做得非常成功, 但是個性嚴肅,太太每天用心做飯菜,從來都不曾獲得先生的一句讚美。





先生倒也很高明,立刻對著鴨群拍起手來,「啪! 啪!啪!」掌聲一起,鴨子受到了驚嚇,紛紛跑了起來。先生甚為得意,就說:「太太,妳看吧!我們家的鴨子不也是兩條腿嗎?」



讚美對於人是非常重要的,舉世滔滔哪一個人不希望獲得別人的讚美、肯定?所以,做人處事要想得到方便,有時候口中的一句好話,比出多少的力氣助人, 力量還要來得更大。

Once upon a time, there was a CEO named Richard. Under his skilled management, his business grew steadily. Richard was a serious and stern1 man. At work, everyone knew of his high expectations and his sharp eye for details.
At home, Richard likewise showed no affection2 toward his wife, nor did he ever praise her. They had been married for more than ten years with no children. Every day, Jane would carefully prepare delicious food for Richard. She would always make him three-course meals, hoping to impress3 him. However, Richard never appreciated4 or praised her efforts. Instead, he simply ate the food in silence and then left to concern5 himself with work or other things.
One day, Richard was home for lunch. Jane had cooked a steamed duck especially for him. When they were both seated, Richard reached for the food but, as he was about to pick up the drumstick6, he realized something strange, so he turned to his wife, “Don’t ducks usually have two legs? Why is there only one drumstick on this plate?”
“Oh...Didn’t you know that all the ducks raised in this house only have one leg?” Jane replied.
Dumbfounded7, Richard said, “Utter8 nonsense9! Ducks ALWAYS have two legs, how can they have only one?”
“If you don’t believe me, we can go to the backyard and take a look,” said Jane.
Richard immediately10 put down his chopsticks and got up, “Sure! Let’s go now.”
“All right!” Jane said.
Making their way to the backyard, Jane quietly opened the gate, as the ducks were sleeping.
As expected, all of them stood on one leg, so Jane said proudly, “See! I told you that our ducks only have one leg!”
Richard smiled, but also had a trick up his sleeve11. He slowly raised his hands and then started clapping, “Clap! Clap! Clap!” All the ducks woke up in shock, and immediately ran around like crazy, not knowing what had just happened.
Richard turned to his wife and said smugly12, “Do you see? Our ducks DO have two legs, not one!”
Jane was prepared to use this opportunity to say what she had long held back, “Can’t YOU see that only by applauding13 will these ducks have two legs!!
This story highlights that giving others praise is very important. Who in this world does not like to be praised and acknowledged14 by others? For a family to be happy and harmonious15, it requires every member of the family to come together to make it so.
For a loving couple, as in this story, a husband must praise his wife, letting her know that she is the most beautiful and kind woman in the world. A wife must, in turn, let her husband know that he is the most capable16 and willing man in the world.
Without a doubt, if we respond to each other in kind ways with praise and acknowledgments, the relationship may last for a lifetime. Often when we interact17 with others, we like to cut to the chase18. However, if we speak kindly and with encouragement19, such words become powerful, surpassing20 any physical strength.

1.stern (adj.) 嚴肅的
2.affection (n.) 感情;愛情
3.impress (v.) 留下深刻印象
4.appreciated (v.) 欣賞;感激
5.     concern (v.) 關心
6.drumstick (n.) 雞腿
7.dumbfounded (adj.) 目瞪口呆的
8.utter (adj.) 絕對;完全
9.nonsense (n.) 胡說;胡扯
10.immediately (adv.) 立刻;立即
11.had a trick trick up his sleeve (phrase) 暗中留有一招;使出招
12.smugly (adv.) 自鳴得意地
13.applauding (v.) 稱讚;讚賞
14.acknowledged (v.) 公認;承認
15.harmonious (adj.) 和睦的;和諧的
16.capable (adj.) 有能力的;能幹的
17.interact (v.) 交流;互動
18.cut to the chase (phrase) 切入正題
19.encouragement (n.) 鼓勵
20.surpassing (v.) 超越;勝過

Dharma Words by Venerable Master Hsing Yun

Better a smile than a fragrant flower.
Better a thought than clear water.
Better a poem than a symphony.
Better a praise than poetry.